Packlodge System

Packlodge System


Enhance Minecraft multiplayer with this plugin, packed with numerous utilities for an improved gaming experience.

Server Game MechanicsManagementUtility

Createda month ago
Updated23 days ago

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Packlodge Utilities is a comprehensive plugin designed to enhance the multiplayer experience in Minecraft servers. With a focus on convenience and functionality, this plugin introduces a range of features aimed at server administrators and players alike. From tracking player playtime to managing player locations, and even facilitating modpack distribution, Packlodge Utilities offers a versatile set of tools to streamline server management and gameplay interaction.

Player Playtime Tracking:

The plugin meticulously records the playtime of each player on the server. Server administrators can easily monitor player activity and engagement levels over time. Players can also view their own playtime statistics to track their progress and achievements.

Player Location Management:

Packlodge Utilities provides a robust system for managing player locations within the game world. Players can save specific locations of interest, such as bases or landmarks, for easy navigation. Location names can be customized, making it simple to organize and recall important spots.

Modpack Distribution:

Server administrators can effortlessly distribute modpacks to players using the built-in modpack command. A customizable modpack link allows for easy access to the latest server modifications and enhancements. Players can download the modpack directly from the server with just a click, ensuring seamless integration of server updates.

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