Economical Villager Trading

Economical Villager Trading


Villagers restock buy trades when you use up a sell trade, and vice versa.

Server Game MechanicsUtility

Created3 years ago
Updated9 days ago

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This mod is for the Fabric mod loader and Minecraft Versions

Also works on Quilt!

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Requires Fabric API

Supports Cloth Config and Mod Menu for configuration, but neither is required.

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Mod loader Fabric Mod loader Fabric

Discuss on Discord License MIT Source Code on GitLab gitlab issues

This mod is only required server-side: clients don't need it to connect to servers that have it. It also works in singleplayer.

Economical Villager Trading

This mod replaces vanilla's villager restocking mechanic. Villagers will no longer be limited to a few restocks a day.

Instead, every time you lock out a villager trade, if the newly locked trade was a buy trade, the villager will restock all of their sell trades. Likewise, if the newly locked trade was a sell trade, the villager will restock all of their buy trades.

A sell trade is any trade that gives the player emeralds. All other trades are buy trades.

In addition, every time the villager levels up, or if all of a villager's trades ever become locked out, they will restock all of their trades. This is to ensure a villager will never be stuck in a state where you can't trade with them at all.

The rationale for this mod is that it eliminates the need for having lots of villagers with the same trades, and as a result should reduce lag. Villagers are fairly laggy, so having lots of them can greatly affect performance.

In addition to reducing lag, this new restock mechanic:

  • eliminates tedious waiting for villagers to restock

  • makes you use more than one of a villager's trades, adding a little depth to trading and encouraging more/diverse farms

  • makes the villager economy make a little more sense since it can't be completely one-sided buying or selling


Configuration requires Cloth Config, and configuring the mod in-game requires Mod Menu.

  • Villager Trade Adjust Balance: Affects how quickly villager trades adjust due to usage. Higher numbers make it change slower, -1 uses vanilla adjustments. A value of 100 or greater completely disables this kind of adjustment.
  • Enable Reputation Price Adjustments: Allow trade adjustments for things like hurting villagers, curing zombie villagers and just frequent trades.
  • Villager XP Multiplier: Multiplier applied to xp granted by villagers.
  • Enable villager levelup while trading: Normally villagers won't level up while you're trading with them. This option allows them to level up.
  • Download translation updates: Download translations from Crowdin when the game launches

If you'd like to translate Economical Villager Trading, follow this link.

New translations will be added once approved without the mod needing an update thanks to CrowdinTranslate.

This mod is only for Fabric (works on Quilt, too!) and I won't be porting it to Forge. The license is MIT, however, so anyone else is free to port it.

I'd appreciate links back to this page if you port or otherwise modify this project, but links aren't required.

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID