Anvil Crushing Recipes

Anvil Crushing Recipes


Datapacks can define what happens when an anvil lands on a particular block.

Server Game MechanicsTechnology

Created3 years ago
Updated7 days ago

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This mod is for the Fabric mod loader and Minecraft Versions

Also works on Quilt!

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Requires Fabric API

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Mod loader Fabric Mod loader Fabric

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Anvil Crushing Recipes is a server-side mod. Clients don't need it to connect to servers with it, and it works in single player.

Adds a new data type: anvil_crushing_recipes:anvil_crushing. Recipes can be added with data packs.

Recipes take one or more blocks, entities, or tags as input and can produce a block and/or a list of items as output.

Match State Crush Entity

There are more demonstration videos on the repo.

As of version 1.2 there are several built-in data packs (you can /datapack disable them like any other data pack):

  • anvil_crushing_block_breaking: makes anvils break weak blocks [e.g. pumpkins and saplings]
  • anvil_crushing_block_degradation: makes anvils 'damage' many blocks they land on, turning them into less refined variants [e.g. smooth stone to stone]
  • anvil_crushing_stone_to_cobble: this is separate from block_degradation because it can override the new data pack compress_stone_to_deepslate
  • anvil_crushing_compress_stone_to_deepslate (default disabled): Renewable deepslate! An anvil that crushes a pillar of three stone creates deepslate. This only works if stone_to_cobble is disabled
  • anvil_crushing_ice_compression: An anvil that crushes three ice creates packed ice; or if it crushes three packed ice, it creates blue ice. This is an alternative to crafting and works the same way the carpet_extra's renewableIce feature does
  • anvil_crushing_crush_ores: Anvils cause the raw materials in ores to pop out into item form and degrade the ore block into cobble (or cobbled deepslate or netherrack) [e.g. nether gold ore drops gold nuggets and becomes netherrack]
  • anvil_crushing_wither_skele_on_basalt_to_blackstone: Renewable blackstone! An anvil that crushes a wither skeleton on basalt turns the basalt to blackstone

SpaceEagle17 has also created a data pack that makes anvils convert cobble to sand, which can be used in place of Carpet Extra's feature which does same thing. Download the data pack from this page.

Both basic and detailed information on data pack format can be found on the wiki. There are also lots of good examples in the built-in data packs. The format is as 'vanilla-like' as possible.

This mod is only for Fabric (works on Quilt, too!) and I won't be porting it to Forge. The license is MIT, however, so anyone else is free to port it.

I'd appreciate links back to this page if you port or otherwise modify this project, but links aren't required.

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID