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Hardcore Revive+ is a datapack that allows you to revive your friends in Hardcore Mode along with some other features:

  • The ability for players in spectator mode to interact with the world
  • Players in spectator mode can possess other players to give them buffs
  • They can also possess mobs & animals to scare them and deal damage
  • Players who are alive can see players in spectator mode

Players can revive their fallen teammates by crafting a Soul Charm and throwing it at the player in spectator mode that they wish to revive.Soul Charm Recipe

Upon crafting a Soul Charm, your max health will be reduced to half of what it was previously for 15 minutes (18,000 game ticks). For example, if you craft a Soul Charm, you will have 10 max health in comparison to the normal 20. If you craft a second one, your max health will be reduced to 5.

Upon being revived by another player, your max health will be reduced to 10 for 5 minutes (6,000 game ticks) and you will receive some debuffs for a short period of time.

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